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What is the correct action in case of a nuclear accident?
Release time:2024/4/12 Tourist volume:0
  The correct protective action in the event of a nuclear accident leading to the leakage of radioactive materials is:
  (1) Not trusting rumors;
  (2) Stay calm and follow instructions;
  (3) After hearing the alarm, enter the room, close the doors and windows, and listen to radio and television;
  (4) When hearing covert commands, enter a well sealed building, or wear a mask or cover your mouth and nose with a damp towel, handkerchief, clothes, etc;
  (5) When receiving orders to take iodine tablets, follow the instructions and take the medication in the appropriate amount;
  (6) When receiving orders to control drinking water and food, do not drink water from open-air sources or eat fresh vegetables grown in local gardens;
  (7) When hearing the evacuation order, carry valuable items such as ID card, work permit, cash, passbook, change clothes, jewelry, etc. with you. But household appliances, livestock, furniture, etc. are not allowed to be carried.